Friday, August 2, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Jake was on call for Memorial Day weekend and I really wanted to go camping so I loaded up the kids and hauled the trailer to Rigby for some "camping" down in the pasture.  We had a lot of fun playing with cousins, building teepees with Grandma and eating good food of course.

Zach was so tired from playing,  I found him asleep on the trailer floor.

Playing on of their favorite games, Go Fish!

Getting ready for bed.

All tucked in.

Good morning Kennady!

Grandma's tee-pees and Stef's attempt to make a hammock.

Taking a nap

Kennady making noodle bracelets in the tee-pee.

Brooke excited for some dutch oven cooking

Zach just chillin'

Kennday, Sadie and Mya

Marcus and Zach

Tyler and Max building forts

I love it here!

On the way home we stopped in Swan Valley for some square ice cream cones.

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