Monday, April 7, 2008

Congrats Jake!

It's finally official!   Jake took his board certification exam last week and this morning we got the good news that he has passed. He is officially a CRNA(Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist). I never thought I would see the day!  Actually that is not entirely true.  I have always known, from day one, that Jake could do this. I am so proud and happy for him for sticking with it and accomplishing his goal.  He has had to devote a lot of time to school and although it has been a sacrifice we are both happy and think that it was all worth it. Way to go Jake!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


   I decided that I need to dedicate a whole post just for our crazy and cute Kennady.  These past    few weeks she has definately done some things that are worth sharing.  One morning I poured her a bowl of Cinnamon Life cereal(one of her favorites) and then I turned around to get her some apple juice and she had decided that she needed to share with Elmo. She was so proud of herself and I'm sure that Elmo was thankful for her generosity. 

 Another time I had just got Brooke and Kenna out of the bath when Kenna decided that the only items of clothing she needed was her new shoes and her towel.  Brooke thought this was hilarious. Kennady's favorite activity lately is strutting around in everyone's shoes.  

Last week Kenna had to take a trip to the dentist because she recently fell into a cement step and fractured her front tooth. She had to have it pulled and I hear that she handled it pretty good, unlike me.  Thank goodness Jake was able to come with me to the appointment so I could leave the room.  I just stayed for the numbing part and let me tell you that was enough! I felt like I do when she gets her immunizations(times ten).  After a week of seeing her sweet toothless smile, I can now say that her missing tooth is growing on me. She'll be the coolest kid on the block when she is four years old.