Saturday, January 14, 2012

Merry Christmas!

 Christmas started off for us at 6:00 in the morning.  The kids must have been on Santa's "very nice" list and they were all really surprised and excited to see what Santa brought for them.  Zach didn't quite know what was going on but he quickly became alert when he saw the truck/car ramp that Santa brought him.  Tyler got an air pistol, Brooke got an American girl doll and Kenna got a Leap Pad.
Ready to come down and see what Santa brought
Love seeing the kids happy and surprised

This year the the kids saved up a little bit of their own money to get each other Christmas presents.  This picture show how Brooke and Kennady ended up getting each other the same thing, a ballerina doll.

 After opening presents we had our Christmas breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage and hashbrowns.  Yummy!!

After breakfast we went to church.  After church we relaxed for a little bit and then got ready to head to Idaho for a Christmas dinner with my family.  We stayed there a couple of nights and then came home and recovered.  It was a great Christmas and we are truly blessed and thankful.

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