Monday, November 30, 2009

It's a Boy!

We are so excited to be expecting a baby in April and even more excited that we will be having a boy! The kids were excited when we told them, especially Tyler. The night before my ultrasound was scheduled we had tucked the kids into bed, then after about an hour Tyler came down with a list of about 30 boy names for us to choose from. He had went through his yearbook and picked out some names. That really put the pressure on, it was fun to tell him the next day, after school, that he would be having a brother. Brooke's first reaction was a bit of disappointment. She said that boy's were mean and I told her that she would just have to help teach him how to be nice. She really liked that idea. I can tell that she is going to be a lot of help. Kennady doesn't quite know what is going on, I think she will understand more the closer my due date gets. Hopefully she will adjust well to not being the baby of the family anymore....we will see!!!


Adrienne said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I bet Tyler is thrilled. Your family photos looks fabulous.

Omer Family said...

Hey Jess, I knew you were supposed to have another boy! It is so crazy to me how our two little families match up kidwise. We all miss you here, but we are glad things are going so well for you there.--Amy