Monday, May 18, 2009

Good-bye Kansas

With only a few more days left in Kansas, I have been thinking about what I am going to miss and not miss when we move.

I will miss....
1) kansas critters and wildlife(toads, lightning bugs, cardinals, turtles)
2) having Panera Bread, Famous Daves and Target just a hop, skip and a jump away. 
3) The Legends at Kansas City (outlet shopping)
4) ward members and friends
5) hearing our Stake President(Sterling Knapp) speak. He is unbelievable.

I will not miss....
1) severe weather(thunderstorms that make your house shake, baseball sized hail storms, and F4 tornadoes).
2) humidity
3) having to drive long distances to visit family, stake centers and temples.
4) the color purple being everywhere, on everything and everyone. GO WILDCATS!!!! yeah
5) being deprived of mountains and the outdoor activities that come along with them.


Shalean said...

We have moved 11 times in our 12 year marriage and every one just gets better, so I hope it is the case for you! It will be fun to have you back "home" (almost)!

Meliss said...

I am so jealous you are heading where you are headed. If you get this before the big move-we would LOVE for you to drop by on your way, stay the night, catch up. Good luck with everything!